Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Frog Race!

The rains have brought a ton of frogs to town.  Every night I almost step on one on my way to the bathroom.  They also have an affinity for my room sometimes, hopping up the steps at night and crawling under the door.

Well, last weekend I caught 6 frogs in preparation for a frog race.  My new big sis Stephanie and I thought it'd be a wonderful idea, and it was.  We had two rounds of races, with the second one being exclusive for the kids.  The chaos was incredible.  Frogs were traumatized in the process, but not hurt.  (Little Jedidiah preferred to shoo his frog along with his foot rather than clapping the ground behind the frog with his hands.  The poor little frog almost got booted the whole way to the finish line.)

For a very humorous read of Sudan's very first frog race, see Stephanie's blog.

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