Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Donato's Bachelor Pad

Praise report: the medical and food supplies that have been stuck in Nairobi for months have finally been (mostly) approved—or at least enough approved to send the truck this Friday.

Today I didn’t work much in the clinic.  Jessica had me covered in wound care.  I spent a good chunk of the morning filming different aspects of the clinic, and getting some good footage of patients, the pharmacy, health education, wound care, etc.  I can’t wait to put together a documentary of my trip when I’m home.  Today I also visited the village home of a friend here, Donato.  He is a 13-year-old boy who had a severe head-injury from a machete around Christmas this past year.  He had a fractured skull, but has made a full recovery, is a delightful boy, and loves the Lord.  He led Sebit, Tyler, Missy, and me to his home this afternoon and we got to meet his family.  He built his own hut a few months ago, and so he showed us his “bachelor-pad” as Tyler put it.  It is so beautiful walking through the bush, seeing the village people, navigating through corn and peanut crops, chickens, goats, termite hills, stray dogs, the lush grass, and muddy paths.  A white person in Tonj is quite a celebrity, and everyone (especially the little ones) likes to say “Chebak!” to us.  I asked Sebit if Tyler and I could sleepover at Donato’s place, and he said “absolutely.”  Donato is somewhat shy, but I know he was very excited at the suggestion, as was his family.  Sebit tells me it will be best if we do it in a week or two.

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